martes, 29 de octubre de 2013

Sherlock Holmes: questions

Chapter 3: 'Fire!'

Read the text and answer the questions (underline the information in your book!) -for Thursday 31st October

What was happening at Irene's house when Sherlock and Watson arrived?

Where did Holmes think the photo was?

Why did Sherlock get hurt? What did Irene do?

Did Watson follow their plan? What was the plan?

Did Holmes come back with the photo? Did he find it?

When were they going to get the photo back?

What happened when they arrived at Holmes' house? Who was that person that said Holmes' name? (imagine that)

Explain the name of the chapter ('Fire!')

2 comentarios:

  1. miss i didnt find the infotmation of the first and second questions D:

    1. The second question is at the end of page 22 and page 23; the third one comes first; it's on page 22, when Holmes is talking to Watson before getting to Irene's house.
