2_ Play station 3 http://www.kyrioselectronics.com/media/catalog/product/p/l/playstation-3-slim-250gb-infamous-edicion-limitada-3-juegos_mlm-f-3440391849_112012.jpg I choose the second place play station 3 has less graphics because the play station 4 and does not have games like play station 4
3_ xbox one http://img3.meristation.com/files/imagenes/noticias/2013/08/06/xbox-one-atenta-contra-la-privacidad-asegura-comisionado-aleman.jpg choose the xbox one in third place because it has many graphics but is uncomfortable to control
4_ xbox 360 http://www.gamers.vg/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Xbo-x360.jpg
Choose the Xbox 360 has less room because the xbox games and uncomfortable to control
5_ Play station 2 http://www.consolasdejuegos.com/uploads/images/17849_1303092462_189340198_1-Fotos-de--REMATO-PLAY-STATION-2-SLIM-1600.jpg
choose the fifth play station 2 because is old, does not have many good games and has few graphics
great idea! I think it's really personal because you talk about things that happened to you and it is really your opinion. I really liked it! :) (greta)