Avenue. Outside the house there were a lot of people. They walked up and down in front of the house. Just then a taxi arrived. Irene Norton was in the middle of it, but Sherlock Holmes ran to help her. Then suddlenly he fell to the ground , with blood running down his face. Irene hurried to her front door, but she looked back.
Some people carried Holmes into the house. Then Holmes put up his hand, and Watson threw the smoke-stick into te room.The people shouted FIRE!.The house was full of smoke. When people shout FIRE! , a woman runs to the most important thing in her house, her baby,her gold, or a photograph [that's what Holmes thought]. Mrs Norton ran to find her photograph, which was in a cupboard in the sitting-room.
The next day Holmes and Watson would go to her house with the King.The king himself will take the photograph from the cupboard. And then they´ll go!
Thanks for the review, Agus. You chose very well the scenes from the book, but next time try to use your own words, please. I know you can!