martes, 5 de noviembre de 2013

The one mystery Homes couldn’t solve

TV series: The Adventures of  Sherlock Holmes (1986)

‘A scandal in Bohemia’

In this chapter, we can see a respectful adaptation of Doyle’s written story. Sherlock does exactly the same as in the tale and once you’ve read the story, watching the series is like remembering its exquisite words. Ladies and gentlemen, let’s talk about this famous detective who has thousands faces, but always the same spirit.

Sherlock Holmes is a self-righteous man, who doesn’t doubt neither of his skills nor of his predictions. He observes and then thinks of what may happen or what the rest of the people may do. He’s a serious and exigent man and may seem a bit cruel when he laughs at people he considers less intelligent, for example, the King of Bohemia. But despite his cold heart, he respects some other fellows, just like Watson, his only and dear friend, who always supports Holmes in all his unintelligible plans. Watson is a man from his time: he likes eating well, resting, dating women or even earning money. But the same, Holmes appreciates him quite a lot.

And then we have the woman. The only femme in the world to whom Holmes could ever admire. Why? Because she was cleverer than he was.  She found out Holmes’ plan and deceived him instead, by using his own methods. Holmes never loved a woman, but this is pretty much like that: the closest he could get to ever have such a feeling.  At the end, we have a lonely man who may not want to forget the only woman who ever grabbed his attention by trapping him into his own labyrinth. Sounds quite romantic, which in fact shouldn’t be so wrong if we think of Holmes’ adventures as a whole: after all, love is such a mystery too. The only one, maybe, which our detective hasn’t been able to solve yet.


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