2 - Flat Screen TV
3 - Mobile Phone
4 - Pen Drive
5 - GPS
1: I love the digital cameras because I like take photos, I don't like people take me them.
2: I like so much the flat screens because I love watch TV. If the programmes are in HD are better.
3: I would like to have one but I can't . The y are very expensive.
4: I like the Pen Drives customized they're so funny. There are a lot of pen drives like that but that was the one I like.
5: I have one but I don't use it, only use it when my parents are lost or when we have to go to a place far.
Maria Majluf
I'd like to know why you think the camera is better than a pen drive, for example. (p.s. I loved the pen drive image you chose!)